Your Child’s Eye Care—August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

I want you, dear reader, to imagine how much you use your eyes in a day. From driving to work, reading your favorite book, or maybe even watching the newest episode of Stranger Things, you use your eyes from the moment you wake up until it is time for bed. So please use those wonderful eyes of yours and keep reading for some helpful hints on how to keep your children’s eyes safe.
First, the best thing for eye protection is to keep up with good preventative measures. To do so, I recommend that you ensure your child has their yearly doctor visit. Frequent doctors’ visits mean frequent vision screening. Any issues that arise during your child’s doctor visit can be promptly addressed, and treatment can be started immediately. Your child’s clinic is a great resource for eye care hints and tips, especially if your children’s vision screening is abnormal. The next step might involve seeing an optometrist, who will be able to do a more precise test to evaluate the cause of your child’s poor vision.
We all hope our kids will excel in school, but as parents you know that some classes can be a real challenge for children. If you child has frequent headaches and reports they have difficulty seeing the board, then it might be time for an eye check! Most people do not realize they have bad vision, and it is not until they struggle in school that parents discover their little tot needs glasses! Bad vision can cause children to have constant headaches; so, getting their vision checked regularly might help prevent some unwanted pain. It is always important to work side-by-side with you clinician to provide this best treatment for your loved ones (and yourself)!
But there are plenty of other things you can do at home to help protect your little one’s eyes! For example, this Texas heat can be difficult to tolerate, but it can also cause damage to your children’s eyes. The UV light can cause damage over time; so, it is recommended to get your child a good pair of protective sunglasses to use when out in the blazing sun. There are plenty of options on the market now; so, make sure that you pick a stylish set of shades that also block UV rays. Your children’s eyes will thank you one day.
Finally, be careful what you put in your children’s eyes. The medicine aisle at your local grocery store is filled with an overwhelming amount of eye drops. I would personally recommend that you limit yourself to simple artificial tears. Do you best to avoid eye products with added medication until you talk to your doctor. Many of those eye drops can cause unwanted side effects with long term use; so, it would be best to avoid unnecessary use. If there are any concerns at all, never hesitate to ask a doctor! We love to help; so, you should not be nervous to reach out with any questions you have.
Dr. Quiroz is a resident physician who sees patients of all ages and provides obstetrical services at Lone Star Family Health Center, a non-profit 501©3 Federally Qualified Health Center operating facilities in Conroe, Spring, Willis, Grangerland, and Huntsville, and serving as home to a fully integrated Family Medicine Residency Program to increase the number of Family Medicine physicians for Texas and our community.